Xavier Jouvenot (aka. Xav83 aka. M_Xav aka. 10xlearner)
Github | Dev.to | 10xlearner website | Twitter | Twitch | Facebook | Instagram | Medium | Reddit | Chocolatey profile
- Currently working for Expressivee since 2015 on projects such as the Touché, Lié, Arché.
- Mainly doing C++ code and CMake code
- My current position in Expressivee allows me to do some programming as well as some project management and some DevOps too.
- Master’s degree obtained in 2015 in Computer Science from the University of Bordeaux
- Licence’s degree obtained in 2012 in Computer Science from the University of Bordeaux
- DUT’s degree obtained in 2011 in Computer Science from the [IUT of Bordeaux](https://www.iut.u-bordeaux.fr/info/
- Validated by an internship during two months in Atos in 2015
- Maintainer of several Chocolatey packages
- I also participate in diverse open source project when I can to fix bugs or review some code
- All those kind of activities can be found on my GitHub account
Main Interests
The main programming that I use is C++ and CMake. I also like automating processes to free up my time to do other projects !
I’m currently going though GitHub tutorial in GitHub Lab.
I love to play guitar even if I don’t always make the time for it, and I’m currently learning piano.
Moreover, as Expressivee, the company I currently work for is an company creating software and hardware dedicated to the music creators, I also have the opportunity to play with other instruments and software dedicated to music.